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SK Square is committed to mitigating legal risks associated with its business activities and operations by developing an advanced compliance management system. Furthermore, it promotes initiatives to embed compliance management practices throughout the company.

Compliance Management System

SK Square is continuously advancing its compliance management system to achieve effective compliance management. To implement this systematically, it has established a policy framework, including internal compliance rules. In 2024, the CEO established and announced the “Compliance Policy,” formally declaring both internally and externally the company’s commitment to practicing compliance management. SK Square will continue to enhance its compliance management system to ensure its ongoing effectiveness.

SK Square Compliance Policy

SK Square hereby declares ‘Compliance Policy’ to maintain sustainable growth and foster stakeholder trust through the implementation of compliance management.

  1. Section 1

    SK Square is committed to fair and transparent compliance management by adhering to all applicable laws and regulations.

  2. Section 2

    SK Square establishes a compliance management system to foster a culture where personnel can proactively uphold legal and ethical standards.

  3. Section 3

    SK Square provides the necessary human and material resources to support compliance management.

  4. Section 4

    SK Square conducts activities to prevent legal risks.

  5. Section 5

    SK Square proactively diagnoses and addresses potential legal risks.

  6. Section 6

    SK Square conducts thorough post-incident reviews to rectify legal issues.

August 19, 2024

Representative Director Myungjin Han

Compliance Policy

Compliance Policy

Legal Risk Management

SK Square has established and operates a legal risk management system to proactively identify and address potential legal risks. First, SK Square conducts identification and assessment of legal risks at the company-wide level and thoroughly manages those that may arise during management activities and business operations. SK Square also effectively prevents legal risks through regular and ad hoc compliance audits. By assessing the effectiveness of the compliance management system, including compliance audits, and reporting the results to the Board of Directors, the company prevents or mitigates legal risks in a timely manner through continuous discussion and improvement.

Compliance Risk Management System

Board-level oversight of compliance audits and effectiveness assessments to ensure company-wide risk management and proactive issue resolution

Compliance Audit - Proactive identification of potential legal risks in business and corporate operation

  • Investment compliance review
  • Reviewing the response system for SAPA(Serious Accident Punishment Act)-related incidents
  • Seal management status review
  • Document status review

Effectiveness Assessment - Assessing the effectiveness of the established and implemented compliance management system

  • Legal risk assessment/management
  • Compliance education/training
  • Fostering compliance culture
  • Compliance audit

Fostering Compliance Culture

SK Square is dedicated to fostering a compliance culture by enhancing compliance awareness among its members and implementing practices to preemptively prevent legal risks that may arise from management activities and business operations. To this end, the company publishes legal newsletters and conducts regular training sessions and ad hoc training on current issues. Additionally, SK Square provides training to its subsidiaries to support them in establishing their own robust compliance culture.

Category Topic
Regular training Mandatory compliance training covering privacy protection, disability awareness, and other legal requirements
Ad hoc training Compliance training covering Financial Investment Services and Capital Markets Act, Improper Solicitation and Graft Act, and other relevant regulations
New hire onboarding training Education on significant internal regulations and guidelines for requesting legal advice and assistance
Regular training for legal officers of subsidiaries Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act, Fair Transactions in Subcontracting Act, Personal Information Protection Act, etc.
Category Topic
Regular training Mandatory compliance training covering privacy protection, disability awareness, and other legal requirements
Ad hoc training Compliance training covering Financial Investment Services and Capital Markets Act, Improper Solicitation and Graft Act, and other relevant regulations
New hire onboarding training Education on significant internal regulations and guidelines for requesting legal advice and assistance
Regular training for legal officers of subsidiaries Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act, Fair Transactions in Subcontracting Act, Personal Information Protection Act, etc.