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Corporate Governance

SK Square has established a governance structure that brings transparency into its management activities based on checks and balances centered on the BOD and aims to continuously enhance corporate value through sound and stable management activities. In addition, we have announced the “execution of responsible management centered on the BOD.”

BOD-centered Management

The BOD is composed of executive and independent directors with competence through expertise and experience in various fields based on the principles of independence, expertise, and diversity. Through its board-centered management, SK Square will pursue harmonious and balanced happiness and social values between the company and society.

Committees within the BOD

SK Square has established and operates five committees under the BOD to enhance its professionalism and efficiency. These include the Independent Director Nominating Committee, the Audit Committee, the ESG Committee, the Governance Committee, and the Compensation Committee. Each committee within the BOD stipulates its organization, operation, and authority in the operating regulations for each committee for efficient work performance.

The Committees

Independent Director Nominating Committee
It deliberates and decides on matters necessary for the nomination of independent director candidates.
Candidates for independent directors are composed of competent persons who meet the qualifications required by the Commercial Act, other related laws, and the Articles of Incorporation, and possess expertise and responsibilities in various fields without discrimination.
Audit Committee
It reviews the company's financial, tax, and audit-related risks.
It reviews the financial statements and accompanying statements for auditing, and audit procedures and results of independent accounting firms.
It also conducts audits on the effectiveness of internal controls and evaluation of internal control structures.
ESG committee
It reviews the direction and performance of major areas related to the environment, social value, and corporate governance.
It also deliberates on how the company can achieve long-term sustainable growth and development.
Governance committee
It deliberates on corporate governance and governance-related regulations that have a significant impact on shareholder value.
It also discusses company-wide key performance indicators (KPIs) and the company's mid- to long-term future strategies.
Compensation committee
It manages and recommends candidates for the representative director.
It proposes reappointment and appointment of the representative director.
It also reviews the appropriateness of remuneration for the representative director and executive directors.

Enhancement of Board Independence, Diversity, and Expertise

SK Square appoints independent directors who meet the requirements for independence to make decisions independently of the management and controlling shareholders when electing independent directors. To bolster its independence, the BOD ensures that an independent director can be elected as its chairperson. Also, the BOD is composed of investment, finance, economics, legal affairs, and accounting experts to secure balanced expertise in various fields.

Board Independence, Diversity, and Expertise Policy

  • The BOD chair is separate from the CEO. With an independent director as the BOD chair, it is possible to bolster the independence of the governance structure. In addition, independent directors account for more than half of the BOD.
  • The standards for determining the independence of independent directors and conflicts of interest are specified in the Articles of Incorporation in accordance with the Commercial Act, the Fair Transactions in Franchise Business Act, and other laws in South Korea.
  • Diversity is ensured by appointing directors without discrimination based on gender, race, nationality, region, or religion.
  • Experts in each field, such as management, economy, accounting, law, or investment, were appointed to strengthen the BOD’s expertise.

Performance and Goals

Percentage of independent directors in BOD
Unit %
2022 57.1
2023 57.1
2024 60
Number of female directors
Unit Director
2022 1
2023 1
2024 1
Percentage of female directors
Unit %
2022 14.3
2023 14.3
2024 20
2023 2025 Target
  • Upgrading the ESG issue management system (increasing the ESG discussion within the BOD)
  • Increasing communication with various stakeholders (bolstering expertise)
  • Continuously boosting BOD independence, diversity, and expertise
Category Unit 2022 2023 2024
Percentage of independent directors in BOD % 57.1 57.1 60
Number of female directors Director 1 1 1
Percentage of female directors % 14.3 14.3 20
2023 2025 Target
  • Upgrading the ESG issue management system (increasing the ESG discussion within the BOD)
  • Increasing communication with various stakeholders (bolstering expertise)
  • Continuously boosting BOD independence, diversity, and expertise

Appointment of Directors and Independent Directors

Directors are appointed at the General Shareholders' Meeting in accordance with Article 382 of the Commercial Act and Article 35 of the Articles of Incorporation, and independent directors are appointed from among candidates recommended by the Independent Director Nominating Committee in accordance with Article 582-8 of the Commercial Act and Article 36 (2) of the Articles of Incorporation. In particular, when it comes to recommending candidates for independent directors, the Compensation Committee, which has a majority of independent directors, recommends candidates with both expertise and independence through a fair and transparent process. Candidates for independent directors recommended through such rigorous screening and candidates for executive directors recommended after discussion with the BOD are finally selected at the General Shareholders' Meeting.

Independent Director Appointment Process

  1. STEP 1. Eligibility review focusing on independence Consideration of independent director qualifications and conflicts of interest
  2. STEP 2. Forming a pool of independent director candidates Consideration of professionalism and diversity
  3. STEP 3. Candidate recommendation Independent director candidate recommendation by the Independent Director Nominating Committee
  4. STEP 4. Final appointment Final appointment of independent directors through General Shareholders' Meeting

BOD Activities

SK Square basically holds regular board meetings. We operate a pre-report meeting for independent directors and actively support the activities of the BOD, such as providing information on management and resources necessary for performing tasks through the Secretariat of the BOD, a dedicated support organization.

Committee Activities

SK Square has committees under the BOD including the Independent Director Nominating Committee, the Audit Committee, the ESG Committee, the Governance Committee, and the Compensation Committee. The organization, operation, and authority of all committees are stipulated in written form, and the details of each committee's holdings, agenda deliberation, and resolution are reported to the BOD. All committees are chaired by independent directors, and the ratio of independent directors is more than half to ensure independence and transparency in decision-making.

Independent Director Nominating Committee


  • Recommendation of candidates for independent director and deliberation and resolution on necessary matters
  • Composition 3 independent directors and 1 executive director
  • Members Ho In Kang (independent), Seung Gu Park (independent), Seong Woo Lee (independent), Jung Ho Park (executive)

Audit Committee


  • Review the company's financial, tax, and audit-related risks
  • Audit on the effectiveness of internal control and evaluation of internal control structure
  • Composition 4 independent directors
  • Members Eun Sun Ki (independent), Ho In Kang (independent), Seung Gu Park (independent), Seong Woo Lee (independent)

ESG Committee


  • Review of direction and performance related to environmental, social value, and corporate governance
  • Review of risks from the ESG perspective on the BOD agenda
  • Composition 3 independent directors
  • Members Ho In Kang (independent), Eun Sun Ki (independent), Seong Woo Lee (independent)

Governance Committee


  • Deliberation of corporate governance and governance-related regulations
  • Discussion of company-wide key performance indicators and company's mid- to long-term future strategies
  • Composition 4 independent directors and 1 executive director
  • Members Ho In Kang (independent), Seong Woo Lee (independent), Seung Gu Park (independent), Eun Sun Ki (independent), Poong Young Yoon (executive)

Compensation Committee


  • Management and recommendation of candidates for CEO
  • Re-appointment and first-time appointment of the CEO, deliberation on the adequacy of remuneration for the CEO and executive directors
  • Composition 3 independent directors and 1 non-executive director
  • Members Seong Woo Lee (independent), Seung Gu Park (independent), Eun Sun Ki (independent), Sung Ha Park (non-executive)

Independent Director Nominating Committee


  • Recommendation of candidates for independent director and deliberation and resolution on necessary matters
  • Composition 3 independent directors and 1 non-executive director
  • Members Ho In Kang (independent), Seong Woo Lee (independent), Seung Gu Park (independent), Sung Hyung Lee (non-executive)

Audit Committee


  • Review the company's financial, tax, and audit-related risks
  • Audit on the effectiveness of internal control and evaluation of internal control structure
  • Composition 4 independent directors
  • Members Eun Sun Ki (independent), Ho In Kang (independent), Seung Gu Park (independent), Seong Woo Lee (independent)

ESG Committee


  • Review of direction and performance related to environmental, social value, and corporate governance
  • Review of risks from the ESG perspective on the BOD agenda
  • Composition 3 independent directors
  • Members Ho In Kang (independent), Seong Woo Lee (independent), Eun Sun Ki (independent)

Governance Committee


  • Deliberation of corporate governance and governance-related regulations
  • Discussion of company-wide key performance indicators and company's mid- to long-term future strategies
  • Composition 4 independent directors, 1 executive director, 1 non-executive director
  • Members Seung Gu Park (independent), Ho In Kang (independent), Seong Woo Lee (independent), Eun Sun Ki (independent), Sung Ha Park (executive), Sung Hyung Lee (non-executive)

Compensation Committee


  • Management and recommendation of candidates for CEO
  • Re-appointment and first-time appointment of the CEO, deliberation on the adequacy of remuneration for the CEO and executive directors
  • Composition 3 independent directors and 1 non-executive director
  • Members Seong Woo Lee (independent), Seung Gu Park (independent), Eun Sun Ki (independent), Sung Hyung Lee (non-executive)

Independent Director Nominating Committee


  • Recommendation of candidates for independent director and deliberation and resolution on necessary matters
  • Composition 3 independent directors and 1 non-executive director
  • Members Ho In Kang (independent), Seung Gu Park (independent), Eun Sun Ki (independent), Moo Hwan Kim (non-executive)

Audit Committee


  • Review the company's financial, tax, and audit-related risks
  • Audit on the effectiveness of internal control and evaluation of internal control structure
  • Composition 3 independent directors
  • Members Ho In Kang (independent), Seung Gu Park (independent), Eun Sun Ki (independent)

ESG Committee


  • Review of direction and performance related to environmental, social value, and corporate governance
  • Review of risks from the ESG perspective on the BOD agenda
  • Composition 3 independent directors
  • Members Ho In Kang (independent), Seung Gu Park (independent), Eun Sun Ki (independent)

Governance Committee


  • Deliberation of corporate governance and governance-related regulations
  • Discussion of company-wide key performance indicators and company's mid- to long-term future strategies
  • Composition 3 independent directors, 1 executive director, 1 non-executive director
  • Members Ho In Kang (independent), Seung Gu Park (independent), Eun Sun Ki (independent), Myung Jin Han (executive), Moo Hwan Kim (non-executive)

Compensation Committee


  • Management and recommendation of candidates for CEO
  • Re-appointment and first-time appointment of the CEO, deliberation on the adequacy of remuneration for the CEO and executive directors
  • Composition 3 independent directors and 1 non-executive director
  • Members Ho In Kang (independent), Seung Gu Park (independent), Eun Sun Ki (independent), Moo Hwan Kim (non-executive)

BOD’s ESG Activities

In order to enhance the BOD’s implementation to drive ESG management, the ESG Committee under the BOD has expanded discussions regarding our ESG risks and performance further and continuously monitors the performance. In addition, the ESG Committee identifies and manages critical ESG issues for SK Square, and is in charge of reporting major issues to the BOD as well as approving them.

Key activities
Review the ESG strategy direction and manage and supervise (monitor) the implementation of major tasks
Final inspection of performance against annual goals and finding improvement points
Publication of reports to improve accessibility to ESG information
Invitation of key stakeholders related to ESG and operation of discussion sessions
Communication through participation in external ESG forums and events
Ho in Kang (ESG Committee Chairperson) Eun Sun Ki (ESG Committee Member) Seong Woo Lee (ESG Committee Member)
•Co-president, Citizens' Coalition for Safety (since 2021). Expert on social and safety issues •Professor of Division of Business Administration and Accounting, Kangwon National University (since 2015), Expert on management, accounting, and finance •Professor of Dong-A University Law School (since 2007), Expert on corporate governance structure

ESG Committee’s Activities

Implementation rate of the BOD’s ESG-related agenda
Unit %
2022 100
2023 100
2024 Target 100
Number of cases of receiving ESG opinions and communication with stakeholders
Unit Count
2022 4
2023 4
2024 Target 3
Major discussion in 2023
Net Zero plan and ESG management Progress
Category Unit 2022 2023 2024 Target
Implementation rate of the BOD’s ESG-related agenda % 100 100 100
Number of cases of receiving ESG opinions and communication with stakeholders Count 4 4 3
Major discussion in 2023 Net Zero plan and ESG management Progress

ESG-based Executive Performance Evaluation and Compensation Policy

SK Square reflects ESG factors in its evaluation of the management's performance. We have bolstered executive power for ESG management by comprehensively considering financial and social performance. The KPI items reflected in the performance evaluation include factors covering the entire ESG areas, such as greenhouse gas reduction performance, employee safety and health, and anti-corruption practices.

ESG-based Executive Performance Evaluation and Compensation Goals

  1. 2023

    Expand the scope of performance evaluation reflecting ESG factors

  2. 2025

    Bolster the performance evaluation and compensation policy that reflects ESG factors

Performance in the ESG-based executive performance evaluation and compensation execution

ESG items reflected in management KPIs (2022)

Expertise Support for Independent Directors

In order to enhance independent directors’ understanding of the company, SK Square provides education on the company's strategic directions and major management status for independent directors in the form of orientation. To enhance the independent directors' expertise in decision-making, we provide investment-related insights, holds independent director reporting sessions, and supports training and seminar attendance.

Status of Training for Independent Directors

Number of training sessions to bolster the expertise of independent directors
Unit Session
2022 5
2023 10
Number of training hours to bolster the expertise of independent directors
Unit Hour
2022 3
2023 5
Category Unit 2022 2023
Number of training sessions to bolster the expertise of independent directors Session 5 10
Number of training hours to bolster the expertise of independent directors Hour 3 5

Information and Resources Support for Independent Directors

SK Square provides agenda materials to independent directors in advance before the BOD and committee meetings so that they can fully review the agenda and freely express their opinions on the agenda. To ensure that independent directors can perform their duties smoothly and in a professional manner in the BOD and its committees, we operate the BOD Secretariat, a dedicated support organization.

Status of the BOD Pre-reporting Sessions

Number of the BOD pre-reporting sessions held
Unit Session
2022 9
2023 13
Attendance rate at the BOD pre-reporting sessions
Unit %
2022 100
2023 83*
Category Unit 2022 2023
Number of the BOD pre-reporting sessions held Session 9 13
Attendance rate at the BOD pre-reporting sessions % 100 83*

*(43 Sessions /4 persons*13 Sessions) Director Lee Sung-woo was absent for the 5th~13th Sessions due to personal circumstances.

Status of the Independent Director Support Organization

Organization Name BOD Secretariat
Staff Size 2 employees
Status (*Years in Employment) -
Key Activities General management and working-level support of the BOD and its committees
Organization Name Staff Size Status (*Years in Employment) Key Activities
BOD Secretariat 2 employees - General management and working-level support of the BOD and its committees

Prevention of Internal Transaction

and Self-dealing

SK Square has established internal audit standards to prevent internal transactions and self-dealing in violation of the principle of equity. Pursuant to Article 49 of the Articles of Association, Paragraphs 1-12 and 1-17 of Article 8 of the Board of Directors Regulations, and Paragraphs 1-8 to 1-12 of Article 6 of the Audit Committee Regulations, directors may not enter into transactions with the Company without the prior approval of the BOD. Significant related party transactions between affiliates and transactions with stakeholders, including major shareholders, require the approval of the BOD or the Audit Committee. The Governance Committee was established to protect the value and rights of shareholders and enhance transparency in corporate governance. The committee reviews internal transactions required by the Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act, the Commercial Act and other matters that may have a significant impact on shareholder value.

Corporate Governance As of Aug. 14, 2024
  • Ho In Kang Independent Director

    Ho In Kang

    Independent Director(Registered/Part-time) / Chairman of Board of Directors, SK Square


    2024.3.28. (First appointment : 2021.11.2.)


    2027 Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

    • Career in Brief
    • Advisor, Yulchon LLC('20~present)
    • Outside Director, GS Engineering & Construction Corp.('22~present)
    • Co-president, Citizens’ Coalition for Safety('21~present)
    • Minister, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport('15~'17)
    • Administrator, Public Procurement Service('12~'13)
  • Sung Ha Park CEO

    Myung Jin Han



    2024.8.14. (First appointment : 2024.8.14.)


    2027 Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

    • Career in Brief
    • Chief Strategy Officer, SK Telecom('22~'23)
    • Head of MNO Marketing and Subscription Business, SK Telecom('19~'21)
    • Head of Global Alliance, SK Telecom('17~'18)
  • Seung Gu Park Independent Director

    Seung Gu Park

    Independent Director(Registered/Part-time)


    2024.3.28. (First appointment : 2021.11.2.)


    2027 Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

    • Career in Brief
    • Country Executive of BOA Merrill Lynch Korea('13~'21)
    • Branch Manager, Credit Suisse Seoul Branch('11~'13)
  • Eun Sun Ki Independent Director

    Eun Sun Ki

    Independent Director(Registered/Part-time)


    2024.3.28. (First appointment : 2021.11.2.)


    2027 Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

    • Career in Brief
    • Professor, Division of Business Administration and Accounting, Kangwon National University('15~present)
    • Outside Director, KTB Investment & Securities Co., Ltd.('22~present)
    • Member, Corporate Review Committee, KOSDAQ Market Committee, Korea Exchange('20~present)
  • Moo Hwan Kim Executive Director

    Moo Hwan Kim

    Non-executive Director(Registered/Part-time)


    2024.3.28. (First appointment : 2024.3.28.)


    2027 Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

    • Career in Brief
    • Head of Green Investment Division and
      EPCM TF, SK Inc.('23~present)
    • Head of Green Investment Center, SK Inc.('21~'22)
    • Head of SKTA Business Development, SK Telecom('16~'20)

Director’s Compensation

Establishing Compensation Policy

Consideration and reflection of stakeholder’s opinion

HR - ① Establishment of CEO/executive director compensation policy

Compensation Committee - ② Deliberation on CEO/executive director compensation policy

Evaluation and Confirmation

Evaluation(*The CEO is delegated the authority to evaluate the executive directors) → Compensation confirmed/paid

  1. Division in charge - Portfolio Strategy(Prepare KPI assessment results)
  2. BOD - Governance Committee(Deliberate on KPI assessment results)
    1. Pass on results
    2. HR(Report CEO/executive director compensation plans)
  3. Board of Directors - Report KPI assessment results
  1. Division in charge - HR(Present the CEO performance evaluation plan)
  2. BOD (Deliberate on and review CEO performance evaluation)
  3. Pass on results
  4. HR(Report CEO/executive director compensation plans)
  5. Compensation Committee(Review CEO/executive director compensation, Submit to the Board of Directors)
  6. Board of Directors(Vote on CEO/executive director compensation)

HR(Present the CEO performance evaluation plan)

HR(Report CEO/executive director compensation plans)

Compensation Policy

The compensation of SK Square’s directors is calculated within the limits approved by the general meeting of shareholders and is paid through a resolution of the BOD of directors based on management performance and roles performed, and the severance pay of directors is paid in accordance with the regulations approved by the general meeting of shareholders.

The compensation is based on a combination of quantitative indicators consisting of the value of the company and the value of the portfolios held, and non-quantitative indicators consisting of leadership in executing strategic tasks and creating management performance, as detailed below:

Annual base salary
  • Comprehensive consideration of roles and performance, base salary, etc.
  • The CEO’s annual base salary is initially determined at a level of 0-10% of the original annual base salary based on the evaluation of the company’s KPIs, and the final adjustment is made by the BOD, taking into account changes in the business environment, external compensation competitiveness, and the role of the group (financial metrics: AUM growth rate, relative financial metrics: shareholder return, external ESG evaluation ratings (such as greenhouse gas reduction performance), leadership, expertise, contribution to the company, realization of board-centered management, and ESG and legal/compliance implementation)
Short-term Incentive
  • The level of achievement of quantitative and qualitative targets, including corporate value, portfolio’s profit improvement/management milestone achievement/increase in corporate value and ESG strategic tasks, and leadership in creating management performance, is considered in total
  • The CEO’s short-term incentive is divided into Target Incentive (0~50% of annual base salary) based on the evaluation of company KPIs and Value Incentive (0~110% of annual base salary) based on financial performance and corporate value enhancement performance, with final adjustments made by the BOD
Long-term Incentive
  • Performance Stock Units (PSUs) are granted to align the interests of management and shareholders, and to strengthen the alignment of management compensation with corporate value growth, with the actual shares vesting three years after grant based on the growth in our stock price and corporate value linked to the KOSPI 200
  • Long-term incentive for the CEO can range from 0 to 500% of annual base salary, depending on the growth in corporate value, and is finally paid in shares after the BOD approves the disposal of treasury shares
Category Details
base salary
  • Comprehensive consideration of roles and performance, base salary, etc.
  • The CEO’s annual base salary is initially determined at a level of 0-10% of the original annual base salary based on the evaluation of the company’s KPIs, and the final adjustment is made by the BOD, taking into account changes in the business environment, external compensation competitiveness, and the role of the group (financial metrics: AUM growth rate, relative financial metrics: shareholder return, external ESG evaluation ratings (such as greenhouse gas reduction performance), leadership, expertise, contribution to the company, realization of board-centered management, and ESG and legal/compliance implementation)
Short-term Incentive
  • The level of achievement of quantitative and qualitative targets, including corporate value, portfolio’s profit improvement/management milestone achievement/increase in corporate value and ESG strategic tasks, and leadership in creating management performance, is considered in total
  • The CEO’s short-term incentive is divided into Target Incentive (0~50% of annual base salary) based on the evaluation of company KPIs and Value Incentive (0~110% of annual base salary) based on financial performance and corporate value enhancement performance, with final adjustments made by the BOD
Long-term Incentive
  • Performance Stock Units (PSUs) are granted to align the interests of management and shareholders, and to strengthen the alignment of management compensation with corporate value growth, with the actual shares vesting three years after grant based on the growth in our stock price and corporate value linked to the KOSPI 200
  • Long-term incentive for the CEO can range from 0 to 500% of annual base salary, depending on the growth in corporate value, and is finally paid in shares after the BOD approves the disposal of treasury shares

※Separately, there is an investment performance compensation system in which the BOD deliberates whether compensation is necessary when investment returns exceed the usual level, and if it is deemed necessary to implement compensation, the size of the compensation is determined according to the set criteria*.

*Compensation is paid as a percentage of the ‘investment performance excess profit’ in excess of the hurdle rate, and may be appropriately allocated and paid according to the role and contribution related to investment performance.