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SK Square aims to become a sustainable investment company based on ESG management.

ESG Initiatives & Ratings

SK Square is committed to implementing ESG management by participating in initiatives and organizations closely related to the business categories promoted by the company and its subsidiaries, such as low-carbon and responsible investment. We transparently disclose our performance in actively implementing ESG management and the results of our domestic and international ESG ratings.

Initiative Participation

SK Square has shown its commitment to ESG management to its internal and external stakeholders through participation in global ESG initiatives and disclosure of its major activity performance.

Goals in Initiative Participation

  • K-RE100 participation 2024
  • RE100 membership After fulfilling the membership requirements

Performance in Initiative Participation and Implementation

  • TCFD Supporters mebership 2022
  • UNGC membership 2023

Climate-related Activities

SK Square supports the Paris Agreement and the National 2050 Carbon Neutrality, and based on our 'Net-Zero 2040' declaration, we are developing a climate change response strategy and managing risks. In addition, SK Square supports the implementation of the Paris climate agreement through donations and sponsorship if it meets public policies to achieve carbon neutral goals based on the association's principles of activities related to climate change. SK Square's climate change-related donations and sponsorship activities are finally executed after reviewing whether they comply with Code of Ethics and Code of Ethics Implementation Guidelines, and then approved by the management. Donations are systematically managed with regulations that receive and keep receipts prescribed by related laws and regulations from beneficiaries. In addition, SK Square has a policy to help implement the Paris agreement if our position on climate change and our association's position on climate change are inconsistent. SK Square transparently implements climate-related donations and sponsorship activities to contribute to the achievement of national carbon neutrality goals and Paris agreement goals, and provides support and key activities for sustainability-related initiatives and associations such as UNGC & TCFD.

ESG Ratings

Assessments Results
S&P Global member of dow jones sustainability indices powered by the S&P global CSA - Included in DJSI Korea Index(2023)
sustainalytics Medium Risk(20.5)
KCGS Integrated A, Environmental A, Social A+, Governance A
sustinvest AA